7 Interesting Facts About Solo Female Travelers

Lately, I’ve been noticing that more and more females are traveling; and not just traveling often but traveling overseas alone. I really wasn’t sure if it was just by coincidence that I had come across this so I had to find out. So here are some of the most interesting facts I gathered about solo female travelers. 

1. According to USA Today Travel, females vacation every 10 months versus men who travel every 12 months. 

2. According to Gutsy Traveler, 70% of travel decisions are made by women when booking cruises, group travel or through an agency but the percentage rises to 92% when you include online travel purchases. 

3. 65% of women are taking vacations without a partner, according to statistics from Booking.com.

4. 65% of women say they feel more confident when they travel solo, also according to Booking.com.

5. American women are #1 in solo travel with an average of 3 trips per year, according to Booking.com. With an average of 9 million traveling overseas each year.

6.  According to Booking.com, 50% of females who travel alone, travel to European cities . 

7. According to CNBC , women on business trips are more likely to give their itinerary to a family member or friend to ensure safety precautions. 

Let me know if you’ve traveled alone and what were some of your experiences and observations in the comments below. 


3 Comments Add yours

  1. Sophestry says:

    I will be solo travelling very soon and am currently semi solo traveling. Take a look at my blog for an insight into someone whose just started travelling but already can’t stop 🙂 https://theflyingvegetarian.wordpress.com


  2. Jessie says:

    Met so many solo travellers along the way, a lot in South East Asia, not sure what that’s about? I admire each and everyone of them. So that must include you now. Aha.

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