5 Random Facts About New York City + Best Things To Do 

New York City is one of my favorite places in the entire world, it was my first introduction to American landmarks back in the day when I first began traveling and even though it’s not laid back like my hometown of Los Angeles, it’s one of the only other American cities I can see myself living at . 
Here are some random facts about the Big Apple! 
1.  NYC is known for busy streets, busy lives and aggressive hard-working people. 

2. The New York City Marathon, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, New Years Eve , Resturant week, and the U.S Open tennis tournament are some of the cities most celebrated and known events. 

3.  Some of the most popular TV Shows such as FRIENDS, SEX & THE CITY, and SEINFELD were based in NYC. 

4. According to UBERFACTS Instagram account, there are enough restaurants in NYC for one person to eat out every night for 54 years and never go to the same place twice. 

5. NYC is known for amazing pizza, and it’s no surprise the first ever pizzeria in the United States was opened here in 1895, according to Buzzfeed
My top 5 favorite places in NYC

  • Serendipity Resturant where the movie Serendipity was filmed
  • La Famigilia Pizzeria, ate here 3 times in 7 days
  • Coney Island
  • Being on top of the Empire State Building
  • Catching a musical on Broadway


One Comment Add yours

  1. Mikele says:

    Wow! thanks for sharing the facts. The 54 years one is mind blowing!

    Liked by 1 person

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